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kโ€ฆ kawaii

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Glad you like. ๐Ÿ˜Š


SOOOOOO cute!!!! I want him as a pet >.<

That's the feeling I wanted to convey ๐Ÿ˜† I'm glad you liked it.

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Beautiful assets, they have inspired me to make a game based on one of my favourite mechanics from an old game I used to play on my 2DS but anyway. I was wondering if you do commisions for art. All I want is nothing to big just a handul of assets in the artstyle of this bird. My discord is (The green giant#9820) if you want to speak about it over there and my email is Hope to be in contact with you soon! Good luck with your assets! (oh and can I edit the birds, use them in a commercial project and potentially use one as my profile picture?)

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Thank you Monotunes! Your comment really cheered me up! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

- All asset packs are intended for creating personal and commercial games;

-  At the moment I can't place very large orders like you said, but we can talk about it. I want to understand what you need.

Please wait contact by email, preferably.

My email is and my instagram username is rogarcadev.

Hello again Monotunes!

I tried contacting the information you gave me, without success. I even created a new discord account to chat, my username or server is rogarca.

I look forward to contacting you, hugs.

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Sorry about that, apparently i wrote my info incorrectly ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ my laptop also coincedently broke aswell.  Heres the correct details: and Monotunes#9820 (sorry about what happend earlier) edit: Just realised im having autcorrect issues, I just sent an email and I reread it and notice some random errors, so sorry about that

Really nice bird! Do you plan on doing other animals?  Also, have you considered making the bird have North and South Directions?

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Thank you T2008! I was very happy with your comment! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

- Yes, I plan to make other animals, I'm even developing a fatter version of this bird.

- The arts were designed for platform games, this genre usually "discards" the north and south directions, unlike top-down games (2.5D).

Thanks for the response! Looking forward to your next ones.  Also, just wanted to add that I would definitely love to see the 2.5D perspective if ever you decided to go that way.

I thought about your idea and decided to implement it in this package! I also added two more colors.

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Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

Edit:  I didn't see the North and South directions.  I assume that will be future update??? thanks

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Correct, I will make it available soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Indeed, it was a long wait, but here it is. I hope you like it.

Deleted 48 days ago